Under construct
A set of filesystem metadata from 12 different computers. Collected around 2014. Does not contain user files. Contains a description of only the OS Windows and OS Linux system directory files.
/lib64/libcap.so.2 23048 1396068805 1303686735 1361345443
/mnt/sda2/Program Files (x86) 12288 1395728182 1394611904 1394611904
Full path, file size, last access, last modification, last change.
Computer 1: WindowsTM win01.7z, Linux lin01.7z.
Computer 2: WindowsTM win02.7z, Linux lin02.7z.
Computer 3: WindowsTM win03.7z, Linux lin03.7z.
Computer 4: WindowsTM win04.7z, Linux lin04.7z.
Computer 5: WindowsTM win05.7z, Linux lin05.7z.
Computer 6: WindowsTM win06.7z, Linux lin06.7z.
Computer 7: WindowsTM win07.7z, Linux lin07.7z.
Computer 8: WindowsTM win08.7z, Linux lin08.7z.
Computer 9: WindowsTM win09.7z, Linux lin09.7z.
Computer 10: WindowsTM win10.7z, Linux lin10.7z.
Computer 11: WindowsTM win11.7z, Linux lin11.7z.
Computer 12: WindowsTM win12.7z, Linux lin12.7z.
Works performed using a data set:
- Abashin V. G., Makeev S. A. Device identification using a file system fingerprint. // Modern science: Actual problems of theory and practice. Series: Natural and technical sciences. - M.: Scientific technologies. №11-2, 2019.
- Abashin V. G. FS identification. Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks. Certificate of state registration of a computer program No. 2018661648 dated October 16, 2018.
What gives here?
We are engaged in «Life technology». These technologies will be accompanied by a person from birth for life. The basis of this trend lies in space medicine in the USSR. Developments in this area are many large companies. One of the directions of their work are the technologies of «electronic clothing». We offer Internet service. Participation in the project does not require such time-consuming, as social networks and programs to communicate. The service will attract people's attention to the issue of responsible attitudes to their own health, obtaining basic knowledge in this area, conservation and optimize its performance.
The first unique technology service
The first unique biometric technology Internet service will be to identify human fatigue on the keystrokes dynamics. The technology was invented in 2005. For its application to use the computer keyboard, or touchscreen phone. With the technology can perform the following tasks:
- Determine the time for solving the most complex tasks (complex negotiations to solve the exchange rate, set a record in terms of car simulator, pass a difficult place in the game);
- To identify fatigue and time to take a break and avoid unnecessary headaches and irritability;
- To plan your day and work week to increase the efficiency of labor, without the development of occupational diseases;
- Find out why there is no time for anything it is spent.
License GNU GPL. Alpha test in Linux 4.9.11. Used languages (C/C++). Only for programmers. The first attempt in the GPL to determine the fatigue on keystrokes dynamics (keyboards/mouses). Used basic keystrokes dynamics etalon and mathematical model. A significant error of the calculation.
Making Beta. Change architecture, a single approach to the code.
18 may 2018 (Another Last alpha. Approximately 6458 lines of code) Yes, sooo long :)
11 apr 2017 (Last alpha. Approximately 7789 lines of code)
7 apr 2017
17 feb 2017
1. Abashin V.G., Pilipenko O.V. Urbanosphere. Personal urbanosphere. // Biosphere compatibility: people, region, technology, №2, 2013. С. 29-34.
2. Abashin V.G., Pilipenko A.V. Prediction of medical conditions of the person on the basis of data on urbanosferas. // Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Information System, August 20-23, 2013. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
3. Abashin V.G. Multibiometric technologies in personal urbanospheres. // Russian-Chinese scientific journal "Commonwealth" № 1 (1) / 2016 part 2
4. Abashin V.G. Examples of formalizing personal urbanospheres using biometric data. // Modern technics and technologies. 2016. № 5. URL: http://technology.snauka.ru/2016/05/9977
5. Abashin V.G. Justification of the criterion for control in personal urbanospheres. // Actual problems of mathematics and Informatics: theory, methods, practice: collection of scientific works. - Elec: EGU named after I.A. Bunin, 2016.
6. Abashin V.G. Systematization of operations with personal urbanospheres. // «CONTINUUM. Mathematics. Informatics. Education». - Elec: EGU named after I.A. Bunin, №1, 2017. p.19-27.
INSML current version (2015)
Artificial neural network (ANN) is described by a INSML 0.3 consists of two files with the same name and extension .insml and .insmldump. File format .insmldump is not specified and may be unique specific programs treating ANN, it provided information requiring entries in the learning process, and / or calculation process (forward pass) neural network.
The file with the extension .insml It contains a description of the architecture ANN and synapses values, fully realizing the developed mathematical model. In this file are only permitted tags INSML 0.3.
For the essence of neuron defined tags:
<neuron></neuron> - container description of the neuron (required tag).
<name></name> - the name of the neuron.
<id></id> - unique numeric identifier object ANN (required tag).
<description></description> - detailed description, an optional tag.
<status></status> - neuron state (on / off), neuron deemed concluded unless otherwise stated.
<coordinates></coordinates> - coordinates of the point at which neuron is in a format 10, the two-dimensional space 20, 10, 20, 30 for three-dimensional. The number of dots theoretically unlimited.
<color></color> - color when displaying the neuron. Set within the color model RGB, such as white #ffffff.
<recursion></recursion> - the number of recursive computation in the neuron cycles.
<constant></constant> - constant value, the neuron generates the same value.
<input_file></input_file> or <output_file></output_file> - name of the file to read or write, or full path to it. These fields are used to communicate ANN with the file for reading and for recording information. In the future we plan to create a flexible functionality for working with data in a specialized neuron-based files.
<adder> or <accumulator></accumulator> - personal adder or a accumulator with a different mathematical relationship. Theoretically, there may be used multiplication of signals, or other feature of combining the input signals.
<activation></activation> - neuron activation function, after the semicolon is specified threshold activation function. Example:
<activation>1/(1+pow(e,-1));0,5</activation>. For a description of the activation function is proposed to use the rules of entry of expressions C programming language, as one of the most popular programming languages.
The presence of a <constant></constant> tag precludes an interpretation of tags <adder>, <accumulator></accumulator>.
The presence of a <input_file> or <output_file> tag precludes an interpretation of tags <constant></constant>, <adder>, <accumulator></accumulator>
и <activation></activation>
<type></type> - tag allows you to specify the type of neuron, described in the ANN.
For entities synapse tags certain:
<synapse></synapse> - a container for storing information about the synapse (required tag).
<name></name> - the name of the synapse.
<id></id> - unique numeric identifier.
<description></description> - detailed description.
<status></status> - synapse state (on / off), the synapse is considered to be included, unless otherwise stated.
<receiver></receiver> - information receiver (possible to specify the ID of another neuron or synapse, required tag).
<transmitter></transmitter> - a source of information (permissible to specify the ID of another neuron or synapse, required tag).
<function></function> - synapse function.
<coordinates></coordinates> - coordinates of the point through which synapse in the format 10, 20 for the two-dimensional space, 10, 20, 30 for three-dimensional. The number of dots theoretically unlimited.
<weight></weight> - the weight value of the synapse.
For entities ANN tags certain:
<net></net> - container description INS or INS subnet (required tag).
<id></id> - unique numeric identifier (required tag).
<author></author> - ANN author.
<color></color> - default color neurons. Set within the color model RGB, such as white #ffffff.
<status></status> - ANN state (on/off), the INS considered included, unless otherwise indicated.
<date></date> - date and time of the ANN in the format specified UNIX time in seconds GMT.
<name></name> - ANN name.
<description></description> - detailed description, an optional tag.
<algorithm></algorithm> - the algorithm of the network for recurrence and other complex networks.
<activation></activation> - when you specify applies to all default neurons after the semicolon is specified threshold triggering the activation function. Example: <activation>1/(1+pow(e,-1));0,5</activation>.
<adder> or <accumulator></accumulator> - all default neurons.
<function></function> - for all synapses.
Supporting entities
In modern INS uses one or more types of neurons. In order to avoid duplication of description, for similar groups of neurons, the auxiliary substance is introduced - neuron type.
<type></type> - it serves as a container for describing the type of neuron.
<name></name> - type the name of the neurons.
<id></id> - type identifier neurons.
<description></description> - description of the types of neurons.
<adder> or <accumulator></accumulator> - this type of association method for signals of neurons.
<activation></activation> - activation function for all neurons of this type, after the semicolon indicates threshold activation function.
<color></color> - color when displaying the type of neurons. Set within the color model RGB, such as white #ffffff.
<recursion></recursion> - the number of recursive computation in the neuron cycles.
Priority rules
To simplify the design of the INS, the principle upon which are built the priority rules - design of the INS from the general to the particular.
Introduced following the priority rules: tags repeating:
1. the highest priority have tags describing the synapses and neurons;
2. the following priority levels are declared in ANN types of neurons;
3. have the lowest priority ANN tags.
1. Abashin V.G., Penzev V.O., Goncharov М.И. Markup language artificial neural networks. // International scientific and technical Internet-conference «Information systems and technology (ISAT – 2015)» URL: http://youconf.ru/files/isit2015/329-AbashinPenzevGoncharov.doc, 2015.
2. Abashin V.G. Markup language artificial neural networks INSML 0.3. // Orel: Federal state budgetary institution Higher Education "Orel state University of a name of I.S.Turgenev", 2016. - 169 с.
- Appointment: personal web server on a personal device with the basic resources (messenger, file server, etc.);
- use security POSIX operating systems;
- maintenance of different sections and different functions with different rights;
- ability to operate in local mode server, an Internet server.
Technical task:
- less than 1000 lines of code in the first embodiment;
- support 10 major file formats (html,svg,css,jpeg,png,gif,mp3,mp4,ogv,webm);
- file transfer support and execution of scripts, executable files;
- you do not need to run as administrator;
- integration with the operating system.
Current state:
- about 624 lines of code.
- Technical project items fully implemented, except the last one, because of his rhetorical language.
- Added management protocol queries and basic errors.
- Supported headers for 16 file types.
- Added code examples in a folder usr/cgi-bin/ (compile g++) and usr/html/
- Fixed bugs.
download Ural 0.2 8,6 kb. (28.12.2015 15:10).